Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

pakaian yang syar'i

Kita sudah mengetahui bahwa seluruh tubuh wanita adalah aurat kecuali wajah dan telapak tangan. Itu berarti kaki dan betis wanita adalah aurat yang wajib ditutupi. Di antara syarat pakaian muslimah yang mesti dipenuhi adalah tidak membentuk lekuk tubuh. Nah, pakaian yang tidak memenuhi syarat ini adalah jika wanita berbusana celana panjang, apalagi ketat. Ditambah lagi pakaian celana panjang ini menyerupai pakaian pria. Inilah musibah yang pada wanita muslimah saat ini.
Tentang larangan wanita menyerupai pakaian pria di antara contohnya adalah memakai celana panjang. Pakaian tersebut menyerupai pakaian laki-laki dan terlarang berdasarkan hadits berikut,
أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- لَعَنَ الرَّجُلَ يَلْبَسُ لُبْسَةَ الْمَرْأَةِ وَالْمَرْأَةَ تَلْبَسُ لُبْسَةَ الرَّجُلِ
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melaknat laki-laki yang berpakain” (HR. Ahmad no. 8309, 14: 61. Sanad hadits ini shahih sesuai syarat Muslim, perowinya tsiqoh termasuk perowi Bukhari Muslim selain Suhail bin Abi Sholih yang termasuk perowi Muslim saja).
Syaikh Abu Malik -semoga Allah senantiasa menjaga beliau dalam kebaikan-, penulis kitab Shahih Fiqh Sunnah berkata, “Patokan Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melarang saling tasyabbuh (menyerupai) satu dan lainnya bukan hanya kembali pada apa yang dipilih, disukai dan dijadikan kebiasaan wanita dan pria. Namun hal ini kembali pula pada maslahat pria maupun wanita. Yang maslahat bagi wanita adalah yang sesuai dengan yang diperintahkan yaitu wanita diperintahkan untuk menutupi diri tanpa boleh tabarruj atau menampakkan perhiasan diri. Jadi dalam larangan berpakaian pada wanita ada dua tujuan: (1) membedakan pria dan wanita, (2) menutupi diri wanita secara sempurna. Kedua maksud (tujuan) ini harus tercapai.” (Shahih Fiqh Sunnah, 3: 36).
Di halaman lain, Syaikh Abu Malik berkata, “Memakai celana panjang adalah sejelek-jelek musibah yang menimpa banyak wanita saat ini, semoga Allah memberi petunjuk pada mereka. Walaupun celana tersebut bisa menutupi aurat, namun ia bisa tetap menggoda dan membangkitkan syahwat, apalagi jika celana tersebut sampai bercorak. Sebagaimana telah diketahui bahwa di antara syarat jilbab syar’i adalah tidak sempit atau tidak membentuk lekuk tubuh. Sedangkan celana panjang sendiri adalah di antara pakaian yang mengundang syahwat, bahkan kadang celana tersebut sampai terlalu ketat. Ada juga celana yang warnanya seperti warna kulit sampai dikira wanita tidak memakai celana sama sekali. Ini sungguh perilaku yang tidak dibenarkan namun sudah tersebar luas. Oleh karena itu, tidak diperkenankan wanita memakai celana panjang.
Jika ia memakai celana semacam itu di hadapan suami -selama celananya tidak menyerupai pakaian pria-, maka tidak masalah. Namun tidak diperkenankan jika dipakai di hadapan mahrom lebih-lebih di hadapan pria non mahram.
Akan tetapi, tidak mengapa jika wanita mengenakan celana panjang di dalam pakaian luarnya yang tertutup. Karena memakai celana di bagian dalam seperti lebih menjaga dari terbukanya aurat lebih-lebih kalau naik kendaraan mobil. Wallahu a’lam.” (Lihat Shahih Fiqh Sunnah, 3: 38).
Di antara dalil bahwasanya pakaian wanita tidak boleh ketat dan tidak membentuk lekuk tubuh adalah hadits berikut dari Usamah bin Zaid di mana ia pernah berkata,
كساني رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – قبطية كثيفة كانت مما أهدى له دِحْيَةُ الكلبي فكسوتها امرأتي، فقال رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – : مالك لا تلبس القبطية؟ فقلت: يا رسول الله! كسوتها امرأتي، فقال: مرها أن تجعل تحتها غلالة فإني أخاف أن تصف حجم عظامها
Rasulullah shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam pernah memakaikanku baju Quthbiyyah yang tebal. Baju tersebut dulu dihadiahkan oleh Dihyah Al Kalbi kepada beliau. Lalu aku memakaikan baju itu kepada istriku. Suatu kala Rasulullah shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam menanyakanku: ‘Kenapa baju Quthbiyyah-nya tidak engkau pakai?’. Kujawab, ‘Baju tersebut kupakaikan pada istriku wahai Rasulullah’. Beliau berkata, ‘Suruh ia memakai baju rangkap di dalamnya karena aku khawatir Quthbiyyah itu menggambarkan bentuk tulangnya’” (HR. Ahmad dengan sanad layyin, namun punya penguat dalam Sunan Abi Daud. Ringkasnya, derajat hadits ini hasan).
Jadi tidak cukup wanita itu menutup rambut dan kepalanya saja, juga mereka harus menutupi aurat dengan sempurna. Termasuk di dalamnya adalah tidak memakai pakaian ketat atau pakaian yang masih membentuk lekuk tubuh.
Semoga Allah memberi hidayah.

cara memakai jilbab segi empat

song lyrics

Lirik Lagu Believe, Barbie Diamond Castle (OSIDsH3RLHqR.128)
Hidden beneath the ground,
Is the spring that feeds the creek,
Invisible as the wind,
That you feel upon your cheek.

Dream and believe in your heart,
Think of when you would see,
There are things so apart,
That there could be 'we.'

And every breeze that whispers,
Reminds us constantly,
Sometimes what's real,
Is something you can't see,

Believe in all that can be,
A miracle starts whenever you dream,
Believe and sing from your heart,
You'll see your song will hold the key.

Waiting behind the clouds,
Is a sky that's always clear
And chasing away the doubts,
You watch the sun appear
It's shining to remind you,
As each new day begins.
There's always hope if you just let it in

Believe in all that can be
A miracle starts whenever you dream
Believe and sing from your heart you'll see
Your song will hold the key.

You can paint the stars,
You can touch the sky
Spread your wings and discover you can fly
Won't know until you try

Believe in all that can be
A miracle starts whenever you dream
Believe and sing from your heart you'll see
Your song will hold the key
Believe and dream what can be
Ask with your heart and you will receive
Believe the beauty is yours to see
Your song will hold the key...
(When you) BELIEVE, BELIVE, When you believe

Lirik Lagu We're Gonna Find It, Barbie Diamond Castle (WE’REG~1)
Here we are, far from home and a little bit hungry and a little alone
But it’s alright, yes, it’s alright
Cause in this room there might be friends, can’t see how the story ends
But it’s alright, yeah it’s alright
We can start anew
We can’t go back so we gotta go on, We’ll stick together staying strong
There’s a diamond castle in my mind and someday soon we’re gonna find it
We’re gonna find it, we’re gonna find it, we’re gonna find it

Somehow things are looking up, feeling like we’ve changed our luck
I can see life, in a new light
Can’t stay long, passing through, don’t know where we’re going to
But it’s alright, cause we just might,
find our way that’s true
We can’t go back so we gotta go on, We’ll stick together staying strong
There’s a diamond castle in my mind and someday soon we’re gonna find it
We’re gonna find it, we’re gonna find it,
we’re gonna find the perfect place for us to be and hear our melodies
We can’t go back so we gotta go on, We’ll stick together staying strong
There’s a diamond castle in my mind and someday soon we’re gonna find it
We’re gonna find it, we’re gonna find it, we’re gonna find it, We’re gonna find it, we’re gonna find it
we’re gonna find it, someday soon

Lirik Lagu Shine, Barbie 12 Dancing

There’s a place you can go
Where your heart is free
There’s a rhythm
That’s right for your soul

Take a breath, find your courage
And make the leap
Cause your feet always know where to go

And you dance and you dance in an endless flow
In the grace of a perfect design
Stepping out of the dark and into the glow
And the whole world will see when you shine
You can shine (shine)
Shine (shine)

There’s a beauty already inside of you
There’s a difference that only you’ll make
Every place that you spin brings you somewhere new
Finding hope every step that you take

And you dance and you dance in an endless flow
In the grace of a perfect design
Stepping out of the dark and into the glow
And the whole world will see when you shine
You can shine (shine)

Suddenly sparkling bright (shine)
Making a magical light (shine)
You will (shine)
Sisters are there by your side
Love will be your guide

And we dance and we dance in an endless flow
In the grace of a perfect design
Stepping out of the dark and into the glow
The whole world will see when we shine

We will shine (shine)
Shine (shine)

(And we dance and we dance in an endless flow)
Stepping out of the dark and into the glow
(Stepping out of the dark and into the glow)
We will shine (we can shine)
(And we dance and we dance in an endless flow)
Stepping out of the dark and into the glow
(Stepping out of the dark and into the glow)
We will shine (we can shine)
(And we dance and we dance in an endless flow)
Lirik Lagu If You Love Me For Me
Once lass met lad
You're gentle one,said she
In my heart I'd be glad
If you love me for me

You say your love is true
And I hope that it will be

I'd be sure, if I knew
That youloved me for me

Could I be the one you're seeking?
Will I be the one yo choose?
Can you tell my heart is speaking?
My eyes will give you clues

What will blossom by beliving

The heart that lies within

l'll be yours
Together we shall always be as one
If you love me for me

Who can say where we'll go
Who can promise what will be
But I'll stay by your side

l'll be yours
Together we shall always
Be as one

If you love me for me
If you love me for me

Lirik Lagu Get Your Sparkle On, Barbie Fashion Fairytale
Get your sparkle on,
Show this world where you belong
All it takes is a little faith
Get your sparkle on,
Listen to your heart,
And feel it beatin’ strong
When you’re in doubt,
Glitter it out
Every time

Lights up,
Let’s rock the runway
This time we’ll take the fun way
What’s in you gotta let it out
Dig deep for inspiration,
Try on your new creation
Stay true,
That’s what it’s all about

Don’t let the doubters,
Shouters, pouters,
T-turn you inside out
Don’t let ‘em bring you down
You’ve got to move it,
Groove it, choose it,
Now is the time to prove it

Four, three, two, one…
Get your sparkle on,
Show this world where you belong
All it takes is a little faith

Which pink?
Decisions, decisions,
Don’t think,
Just follow your vision
If it’s you,
You know you can’t go wrong

Don’t let the doubters,
Shouters, pouters,
T-turn you inside out
Don’t let ‘em bring you down
You’ve got to move it,
Groove it, choose it,
Now is the time to prove it

Four, three, two, one…
You feel the music pumpin’,
Give it a little something
Make it a fashion mash up,
Life doesn’t have to match up
Be fearless in your design,
Confetti from the rafters
You shimmer as do you shine
Top there to ever after

Get your sparkle on,
Show this world where you belong
All it takes is a little faith
Get your sparkle on,
Listen to your heart,
And feel it beatin’ strong
When you’re in doubt,
Glitter it out
Every time

Get your sparkle on,
Show this world where you belong
All it takes is a little faith
Get your sparkle on,
Listen to your heart,
And feel it beatin’ strong
When you’re in doubt,
Glitter it out
Every time

Get your sparkle on,
Show this world where you belong

Lirik Lagu Connected, Barbie DIamond Castle

I'm  blind folded on this carriage ride  they call life keep trying to make it through that next turn knuckles white and holdin' tight  so here I go taking the curve But I know that I’m never alone I think of you and how you never let me go  Chorus: I feel(connected)connected Protected (protected) It's like you're sitting right, with me all the time You hear me (you hear me) You're near me (you near me) And everything else is gonna be alright Cause nothing can break this...nothing can break this Nothing can break this tie...connected connected inside  It’s not an accident the time We spent apart But now we’re so close I can always find you Right here in my heart  You’ve given me something I need And I don’t ever want it to end Because of you I know I’ve found my strength again  *Chorus  I feel connected (connected) Protected (protected) It's like you're sitting right, with me all the time You hear me (you hear me) You're near me (you near me) And everything else is gonna be alright Cause nothing can break this...nothing can break this Nothing can break this tie...connected connected inside  Every time that I breathe I can feel the energy Reaching out flowing through You to me, and me to you Wake or dream, walk or stand You are everywhere I am Separate souls unified Touching at the speed of...Life oo..oo..o.. I feel connected (connected) Protected (protected) It's like you're sitting right, with me all the time You hear me (you hear me) You're near me (you near me) And everything else gonna be alright  Connected(connected)Protected(protected) Now your in my mind Now Im doing fine You hear me (you hear me) You’re near me (you're near me) And everything else is gonna be alright Cause nothing can break this..nothing can break this Nothing can break this tie...connected (connected inside), (connected) (connected inside), connected connected inside..
Lirik Lagu If You Can Dream
When I was a little girl, somehow I knew
How to sweep away those walking-talking blues
Left them far behind & never looked over my shoulder
Kept moving straight ahead
Then one day I finally saw a brighter way
Making every day a little brighter day
Found a dream & then it seemed my heart was much lighter
I could see miles ahead!

Here's my advice-
Believe in your heart
Trust in yourself
From the very start

If you can dream
You'll find the river where happiness flows
Just follow your dreams, go wherever they go
Feeling so free, like the wind on the sea
You'll see that
If you can dream
Dreams are just wishes, and wishes come true
Knowing that one day your prince will find you
And right from the start he will capture

your heart
If you can dream...

Even when your life is like a circle going round
And you're feeling like you're spinning upside-down
Realize there's nothing quite so bad- you can change it
Just close your eyes & say
There's a someday when my dreams come true for sure
Till that one day I will keep my heart secure
Always knowing there's another dream 'round the corner
To keep your love alive

Here's my advice-
Believe in your heart
Trust in yourself
From the very start

If you can dream
You'll find the river where happiness flows
Just follow your dreams, go wherever they go
Feeling so free, like the wind on the sea
You'll see that
If you can dream
Dreams are just wishes, and wishes come true
Knowing that one day your prince will find you
And right from the start he will capture your heart
If you can dream...

If you can dream
You'll find the river where happiness flows
Just follow your dreams, go wherever they go
Feeling so free, like the wind on the sea
You'll see that
If you can dream
Dreams are


I’m just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I dont know where togo
I cant do it alone (ive tried)
And i dont know why
Slow it down
Make it stop
Or else my heart in going to pop
Czits too much
Yeah its a lot
To be something im not
Im a fool out the love
Cz i just cant get enough
I’m just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I dont know where togo
I cant do it alone (ive tried)
And i dont know why
Im just a little girl
Lost in the moment
Im so scared
But donot show it
I cant figure it out
Its bringing me down
I know ive got let it go
Just enjoy the show
The sun is hot
In the sky
just like a giant spotlight
the people follow the sign
and synchronize in time
its a joke nobody knows
they ve got a ticket to that show
I’m just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I dont know where togo
I cant do it alone (ive tried)
And i dont know why
Im just a little girl
Lost in the moment
Im so scared
But donot show it
I cant figure it out
Its bringing me down
I know ive got let it go
Just enjoy the show
Oh oh
Enjoy the show
I’m just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I dont know where togo
I cant do it alone (ive tried)
And i dont know why
Im just a little girl
Lost in the moment
Im so scared
But donot show it
I cant figure it out
Its bringing me down
I know ive got let it go
Just enjoy the show
Dum de dum
Dudum de dum
Just enjoy the show
Dum de dum
Dudum de dum
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show